Meet Our Staff

Jennifer Wheeler
Jennifer was given the opportunity to ride a horse at summer camp when she was 7 years old. She fell in love and never stopped. When she wasn't taking a lesson, competing on the local circuit or mucking stalls to cut boarding costs, she was riding trails and galloping through the fields of Maryland hunt country. As a teen she competed in the junior hunter, equitation and medal classes at AA-rated shows on the east coast. After moving to Michigan she continued showing, but her passion moved her to the jumper ring. Like many horse owners she never stopped dreaming of having her own farm. Now that her daughter is riding competitively as well, she wants to provide her the same fun atmosphere she experienced as a child. Thus, Karner Blue Stables was born!

Colleen Navarre
Colleen is the owner of Foxtrot Farms. She has been riding and competing in hunter/jumpers for over twenty years. Since 2016, she has expanded her riding to include foxhunting with both Metamora and Waterloo Hunt Clubs and now competes in eventing, hunter trials and endurance riding. Colleen has taken many clinics with upper level trainers including four time Olympic gold medalist Robert Gage, Rolex competitor/trainer Waylon Roberts, and has even traveled to Ireland to take a full cross country clinic with the legendary James Tonery. Locally, she continues to train under Grand Prix dressage and jumping instructors. She believes in keeping herself in high level training so that she can pass along her knowledge to her amazing riders and their wonderful horses.

Pam Morrison
Pam is the owner of Loon River Equestrian and Equine Bookkeeping Solutions. She has been riding and showing horses for the majority of her life. For 20+ years she has been teaching hunter/jumper lessons, managing stables, training horses and judging at shows. Several years ago, she decided to downsize her lesson and training program in order to build her bookkeeping business and focus on her family. She provides Karner Blue Stables with extensive expertise in both horse care and business management.

Peyton Wheeler
Social Media Director
Peyton started riding at the age of 5 years old (unless you count the modified jumper classes she did in Ocala, FL eight months before she was born). She began competing on her pony, Patches, at the age of 9 and has been filling her room with ribbons ever since! She now teams up with the adorable Curtis when she goes in the show ring. She has mastered the art of grooming her pony and can spend hours making him shine. Peyton is the inspiration for Karner Blue Stables. She works hard at the barn and diligently practices in the ring several times a week. However, she finds that the ring can become boring and enjoys riding bareback and trail-riding. Come join her and Curtis in some pony adventures!

John Wheeler
Maintenance Engineer and "Waterboy"
John knows nothing about horses. He has ridden horses in Hawaii, Iceland, Glacier National Park and wherever else his wife tells him to get on a horse. He believes Icelandic horses are incredibly bouncy and anyone who thinks differently is ridiculous. He thinks the hunter division is boring and that everyone should just do jumpers because it is more fun to watch. You can find John at horse shows taking naps, talking to his wife's horse as he grazes him, or at ringside videoing his wife and daughter. You will see him at Karner Blue Stables in the evenings filling buckets and troughs or fixing the many things that the horses and riders break. John is very supportive of his wife's passion for horses, but likes to often remind her that horse people are crazy and so are redheads.