Clinics and Horsemanship Lessons
Clinics in every discipline are offered at Karner Blue Stables. This is a great wait to fine tune your skills, seek advise from a new trainer with a different point of view or take your riding to the next level. Periodically we have guest trainers from various disciplines come to provide a different point of view. Rates vary based on the trainer and the length of the clinic. Check our schedule and contact us for more details.
Horsemanship Classes
We believe that every horse owner/leaser/rider should know how to properly care for their horse. We offer a series of horsemanship lessons that will teach you all you need to know. Some topics include the parts of the horse, how to recognize common illnesses or injuries, grooming tools and skills, horse healthcare, and tack identification. Whether you are an adult or child, you will benefit from these lessons. The rate is $30 per person per one-hour class. We offer this series only a few times per year, so check the schedule often and contact us to save your spot!